We are eagerly (that is an understatement) awaiting the delivery of our first son, Charlie. His due date is this Saturday, August 22nd. I have had a fairly normal pregnancy and we are praying the same for Charlie's delivery. His room is ready, our bags are packed, and our family members are all on their toes waiting for our call. It has been hard waiting for God's timing for labor to begin. I, as always, have tried to take matters into my own hands by doing everything I can think of to induce labor. Now realizing that I have absolutely no control over the situation I am finally ready to trust God's timing. Isn't it so funny how we try to control everything when the God of the universe, who created Charlie, tells us that he will give peace to those whose heart is steadfast in trusting Him (Isaiah 26:3). God rebukes his disciples for not trusting him to save them from the storm in Matthew 8:26 by saying "you of little faith, why are you afraid?". So why am I afraid? I fear the unknown, I fear struggles even when they are for my gain, I fear the negative outcomes. I am a fearful woman without Christ. But I can claim peace and salvation through my Lord and in him there is no fear. 1 Peter 5:7 says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." So I am trying daily to cast my fears upon Christ as I wait for labor to begin. In the meantime check out some pictures of our little man from the inside and outside of utero:).
yay! looks good rikki. i LOVED having you over here this week. you are an encouragement! praying for your heart as you are about to embark on motherhood...what a blessing and joy!