Well since I am on paternity leave for the next 2 weeks, which makes me thankful for our over politically correct society in one way, I will be doing most of the blog postings; but fret not dear friends Rikki will be back when I hit the hospital on Sept 14th. For now I get paid to fall asleep in a leather chair with my boy, watching a golf tournament.....doesn't get any better than that.
We made it home from the hospital on Saturday. Rikki's dad filmed everything, including the staged drive into the driveway. Figuring out feedings, sleep, poops, and pees has been the agenda for the last few days. Last night charlie slept on a regular schedule eating every 4 hours @ 2 am and 6 am; don't worry I am a neurotic pediatric resident and he will catch up and make sure that he gets 8 feeds in a day :) There are way too many schools of thought for how much, when, where & how a baby should sleep, and eat. It is crazy and frankly frustrating(for me at least). I think that rikki and I have made a nice balance between babywise, AAP breastfeeding book, common sense and my scientific brain. We let him "self-soothe" aka cry himself to sleep and it wasn't as bad as expected;
We went to see Dr. Freeman at the continuity clinic where I see my patients on Monday. Everything went well. Rikki is an amazing mama. Charlie is an lucky boy, and by luck I mean blessed. It has been incredible to see how God has transformed my wife, even in the last few days, from fearful(though I am sure she still has some of that) to an incredible mom who loves, cares for and provides everything this almost nine pounds of joy needs. It has brought me to tears to see her feeding and talking to our son.
So I probably should go do something productive, but wanted to try to keep people up to speed. Thank you for continuing to pray for our family. As I sit here Charlie is making some little "newborn sounds" from his bouncer on the floor at my feet. Here are a few parting pictures for you to see him as he changes.