So much happens in a year!
I cannot believe my baby is 1 year old! This year has gone by fast and we have so many fun memories. It is hard to image life with out Daniel, he is such a big part of our family. Life has been a challenge juggling 2 boys and a husband in residency, but we have managed to make it through one of the more difficult transitions (so I hear) fairly well;) Daniel has changed so much and we are starting to see what kind of a little boy he is becoming. We hear from strangers and friends all the time how much Daniel looks like Charlie and they do favor one another and even have some similarities, but they are different in many ways too. Daniel is so strong and active, if I don't watch him all the time he climbs up on everything, showing me that he is a big boy just like his big brother. He loves to eat and is our constant garbage disposal. He now has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom, and man does he like to use evidenced by the bite marks on Charlie's arm today:(. Sad. He is a very fast crawler and manages to keep up with us all. More recently he has started using a walker to chase us around the house. And then the day before his birthday he started talking a couple of steps on his own. He is a very happy boy, however, when he doesn't get his way watch out for the drama to come out! His sudden changes in behavior should not be news to me since all of us in the Scarborough home seem to do the same thing on differing levels;) I am thankful that God continues to refine Charles and I as parents through our children's' sin patterns so that we can see our own sin more clearly. On another note Daniel is a very good sleeper and "easy" when it comes to bedtime which has been a real blessing since Charlie still takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to fall asleep at night. Daniel still sucks his 2 fingers and is a great snuggler just like Charlie. I am so grateful to have 2 wonderful boys that love me so well and are so sweet and teach me so much! Daniel: you truly are a blessing and we thank God each day that we have the privilege to raise you. Your sweet smile, joy, and tenderness are qualities that we pray grow in your heart each day as you learn more about your Savior, Jesus. Here are some pictures of our big boy from his birthday. I am going to make a separate post with pics from his Birthday Party with Ada!

On his birthday we went to the Kroc center to swim, we made cookie pops, and had Chick-fila for dinner, then Daniel opened his Percy pillow pet from us:)
Here he is enjoying his cookie-pop
Here are some of my favorite Daniel "faces"
He loves getting into things!!!! and I mean everything;)
Here he is clapping, one of his new tricks
And here is our drummer boy walking!
oh rikki! he is such a sweetie! i LOVE all his faces. happy birthday little man:)