Daniel is already 5 months old. It has all happened so quickly! As I write this he is scooting all over the floor, going from one toy to the next. He LOVES some tummy time, and cannot stand to be on his back for long. He is becoming very interactive and playful with Charlie and our dog, Jackson. He also loves playing in his bouncer. He is a little bit wild when he jumps around but Charles reassured me that he will not hurt himself. He is so smiley and happy! He is both similar and at the same time different from Charlie. It has been so good to see their personalities emerging. Daniel loves getting attention from everyone especially Charlie. He lights up when he hears Charlie's voice. He will even laugh when Charlie laughs. And Daniel's laugh is so sweet, it kind of sounds like he is sucking in. Daniel doesn't have any teeth yet, but I think they are close to coming in (Charlie had 2 teeth on the bottom by now). We have tried some rice cereal several times and Daniel is already pretty good at swallowing food. I have not been as consistant with feeding him as I was with Charlie, mainly because Daniel is usually sleeping at meal times. He still takes 3 or 4 naps; morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening. I try to get both boys down for afternoon naps at the same time so that I can have some time to sleep, check email, budget, or have some time reading my Bible:) Back to Daniel, he loves sucking 2 fingers (middle and ring fingers) on his right hand. His hair is starting to come in a little. He unfortunately had is first ear infection last month. We are praying he doesn't have his mommies ear issues:) At last months check up Daniel was in the 50 th percentile for weight and 95 th percentile for height. He might end up being bigger that Charlie one day. Daniel is currently sleeping in our pack n' play in the guest room. He is too big and rolly for the bassinet and I am not quite ready to put him in the same room as Charlie. He is such a joy and blessing to our whole family. It is funny how I can't remember life before him and can't imagine life without him. We love you Daniel!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Daniel's 5th Month Day
Daniel is already 5 months old. It has all happened so quickly! As I write this he is scooting all over the floor, going from one toy to the next. He LOVES some tummy time, and cannot stand to be on his back for long. He is becoming very interactive and playful with Charlie and our dog, Jackson. He also loves playing in his bouncer. He is a little bit wild when he jumps around but Charles reassured me that he will not hurt himself. He is so smiley and happy! He is both similar and at the same time different from Charlie. It has been so good to see their personalities emerging. Daniel loves getting attention from everyone especially Charlie. He lights up when he hears Charlie's voice. He will even laugh when Charlie laughs. And Daniel's laugh is so sweet, it kind of sounds like he is sucking in. Daniel doesn't have any teeth yet, but I think they are close to coming in (Charlie had 2 teeth on the bottom by now). We have tried some rice cereal several times and Daniel is already pretty good at swallowing food. I have not been as consistant with feeding him as I was with Charlie, mainly because Daniel is usually sleeping at meal times. He still takes 3 or 4 naps; morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening. I try to get both boys down for afternoon naps at the same time so that I can have some time to sleep, check email, budget, or have some time reading my Bible:) Back to Daniel, he loves sucking 2 fingers (middle and ring fingers) on his right hand. His hair is starting to come in a little. He unfortunately had is first ear infection last month. We are praying he doesn't have his mommies ear issues:) At last months check up Daniel was in the 50 th percentile for weight and 95 th percentile for height. He might end up being bigger that Charlie one day. Daniel is currently sleeping in our pack n' play in the guest room. He is too big and rolly for the bassinet and I am not quite ready to put him in the same room as Charlie. He is such a joy and blessing to our whole family. It is funny how I can't remember life before him and can't imagine life without him. We love you Daniel!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Life over the past 6 months
I cannot believe it has been almost 6 months since my last post. So much has happened in our lives and I have wanted to document it all, but have felt completely overwhelmed at the undertaking. Now it is irritating me enough to make me post something, it might be more photos and videos than words:)...so here we go. Our family increased yet again, thanks to the Lord on May 17th 2011. Daniel McKain Scarborough was born into our family and has brought us so much joy (I will hopefully write a separate post about Daniel's birth story.) He has been a fairly "easy" baby, realizing that the term is very subjective. He has been a great sleeper and a happy kid. His big brother Charlie was a little weary of him at first but now he is in love with him. Charlie loves introducing others to his "baby broder, Danel". Which consequently is now his nickname (no, i did not forget the i). He kisses him about 40 times a day and has recently liked playing games with him like the "rollie pollie" game where they play on the bed together and roll around. Charlie can now entertain Daniel and comfort him, for a minute or so at least:)
Still swinging in the park days before Daniel arrived
Charlie accompanied me to many OB visits, don't worry he didn't participate:)
The morning of our induction, 6am
Our new family!
One of Charlie's big brother presents
And a sweet little face!

and horses at uncle Otis' are still a bit frightening:)
Charles and I turned 28!
Grandpa and Grandma GiGi came down for the 4th, she pasted almost 2 weeks later so these are treasured memories!
Charlie turned 2! Thomas the train birthday party with Nana, Grandpa, Andrew, & Dana
And Daniel is now 5 months old! How does time fly????
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