Hello world! It has been a long time since my last post and I am regretting not documenting Charlie's progress through life as well as Charles and mine's journey through this pregnancy. This post will probably be a paragraph of rambling but I just felt like writing some things down while I had a minute.

He loves to play hide n' seek in the shed
It has felt like a long 8 months. Some of you know that I had a kidney stone recently that has made this pregnancy a little less than pleasant. Thankfully I have had no other problems since passing the stone a few weeks ago. I am happy to say we only have a little over 4 weeks until D-day. I am much more tired this trimester and can feel it daily. I try to take the bursts of energy I receive to "prepare" the nest (or repair it). Life with 2 boys +Jackson has kept me busy and I am sure Daniel (yes that is officially his name...it only took us 7 months to name him) will only contribute to the disasters in this house:) (side note: most of you know that we named him Daniel after our sweet friends and mentors, Mark and Rachel Daniel. His middle name is our only secret and will be revealed on his birthday). Charlie is starting to really be a helper when it comes to clean up time. Maybe he will take after me:) Our babysitter said that he initiated clean up time the other night prior to bedtime, yay! What a proud mom I was when she mentioned that. I have so much to be thankful for in regard to Charlie and Charles. They both have such a sweet loving spirit that is a perfect balance for my easily frustrated heart (esp. during pregnancy). Charlie is so fun to be with each day. Every morning he greets me with a happy smile and his blanket. He immediately starts off the day talking about the lawn-mower, blower, trains, milk, or the trucks on his new sheets. Just one example of how he lives life...taking off full speed wherever he goes. He is starting to say more and more and has recently been learning his colors. He is stuck on saying yellow and green even though he doesn't seem to quite know which one is which. He can also say blue, red, ball, truck, go, bubbles, "hi", "bye", lawn-mower, blower, car, please, up, down, TV, choo-choo train, book, "ouch-ie", duck, and other words only a mother would know. Today he said "I'm sorry" or a variation of that. He hit me and we talked though it and I told him he needed to say sorry, which he did very well then when I told him that I forgave him he started pretend crying. I am pretty sure he didn't understand it but it was so good for my heart to see him go through the motions of forgiveness. I know God is using Charlie and Charles to help my heart not hold on to resentment and unforgiveness (which has been a huge struggle of mine). How can you withhold forgiveness from your child when you want them to learn how to forgive quickly and completely just as Christ does for us? I am sure I will struggle more with this as Charlie gets older and shows more disobedience, but for now I am enjoying this sweet stage of learning.

He loves daddy's lawn-mower...

...and blower!
Charles has also been instrumental in helping me through so much this pregnancy and the last 3 1/2 years of marriage. I would not be the mother I am today without him. He is so different from me in so many ways, which oftentimes I resent him for. But God knew best to put someone so demanding and hardheaded (me) together with someone so agreeable and loving (Charles). I am thankful he is the father to my 2 sweet boys!

We are excited to say that we will be staying in Augusta for the next chapter in our lives. Charles is looking forward to starting a pediatric practice in South Augusta with Josh Lane in July of 2012. We have already seen God's hand in the preparations for this and are excited to see all the ways he will use and teach us through this experience.
We are all a little anxious for Daniel's arrival. He is expected to arrive during a busy NICU month. But we are thankful God is in control of when we meet the newest member of our family. And I am becoming more and more excited to see what he will look like and how he and Charlie are similar and different. I am also anxious and excited to see how Charlie does with all the new changes once his brother arrives. We are praying for a smooth transition for all of us, and we know that it will only come through God's grace. I am thankful for a sovereign God who does not treat me as my sins deserve but is faithful to his promises and loving towards all he has made. I now hear the cries of my almost 20 month old. I will post this along with some pics later tonight when all is quiet again:)

Charlie's current bed (with the truck sheets that he loves to talk about after naps)

The boys new room

Charlie's future big boy bed!